Option formats

This page describes the format options used in Duplicati

In various places it is possible to enter a value, usually passed as a commandline option. These values can be written as strings, but are interpreted different internally.

Boolean values

A boolean option passed will translate to the value true if it is supplied with no assigned value. For example, these two are equivalent


It is possible to use the following "thruth values": 1, on, true, yes.

The "false values" are: 0, off, false, no.

If the value is neither of these, the context defines what it is interpreted as, but generally it is interpreted as "true".

Size values

Values provided as sizes are parsed as a number with a multiplier suffix, for example:


If no suffix is given, the context has a default suffix that is applied, usually either kb or mb .

Despite the naming, the sizes are interpreted as kiki-bytes. Supported suffixes are:

  • b (or no suffix): bytes, multipler is 1

  • kb: kilobytes, multiplier is 1024

  • mb: megabytes, multiplier is 1024^2

  • gb: gigabytes, multiplier is 1024^3,

  • tb: terrabytes, multiplier is 2024^4

Timespans, timestamps, and durations

Similar to size values, timespans and durations can be provided with a value and a multiplier suffix. For example, to set a span of 30 days:


The supported multipliers are:

  • Y: year

  • M: month

  • W: week, same as 7D

  • D: day, same as 24h

  • h: hour, same as 60m

  • m: minute, same as 60s

  • s (or no suffix): seconds

Unlike the sizes, the timespans can be composite, so the value:


Translates to "1 month + 4 days + 3 minutes", and the duration is the sum of those values. It is also possible to have negative values, such as 1D-1s, meaning "1 day minus 1 second".

For timestamps, it is possible to also provide a local-format date-time string, or the special value now to signal the current date and time.

Last updated